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Going Above & Beyond: Meaningful Experience For Patient Felt Years Later 

Just a few weeks ago, Peggy, the mother of a former patient at Methodist LeBonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis approached Morrison Healthcare’s John Paul Carpenter in the café. 

Back in 2017, Peggy’s 13-year-old daughter, Dallas, was preparing for a liver transplant. But she wasn’t eating any food. John Paul helped her child get through this traumatic period, delivering meals of her choice and helping stabilize her for the upcoming surgery. Dallas’ surgery was successful; she is now 20 and is a rising college junior. 

When they met a few weeks ago, Peggy expressed her feelings to John Paul: “Our entire family still talks to about you and the impact you have had on lives to this day. I was so amazed by the service we received from the hospital and your department I decided to come work here. What a great place to come to work to help make a difference like you did for me and my family.”  

John Paul, now the Senior Director of Dining Services, reflects on this experience of the Morrison team’s passion and care to create excellence experiences for patients:

Q. It was seven years ago, but what do you recall about this patient?

A. I learned at some point that Dallas was undergoing her second liver transplant and that one of her grandparents donated part of their liver for the first surgery.

Her diet was quite restrictive, and she wasn’t eating, but she wanted an Asian-based meal. I checked with her doctor and prepared a meal that met her dietary needs and met with the patient’s parents and grandparents to discuss it. I met with her often for about three weeks until her surgery. 

Q. What kind of meal worked for this patient?

Dallas needed foods low in sodium and phosphorus, so we cooked a vegetable stir fry with noodles and a low-sodium beef broth. I made her at least three of four meals myself.  I also worked with my team to ensure they knew how to prepare the food. It’s critical to teach our team the importance of helping patients who need a vital organ to keep on living.

Q. Was this an unusual request, or have you had similar experiences with other patients?

A. It’s not uncommon to get these requests five or six times each year, mostly from kids awaiting transplants or palliative care patients who are not eating.

Remember, these kids are often in the hospital for weeks, even months, waiting for a heart or another organ to live. They get tired of eating burgers, chicken tenders and mac and cheese. We had a child several years ago who wanted a seafood boil, so we prepared King Crab legs, corn and potatoes at the patient’s request.  It’s very satisfying for them to eat a special meal and an opportunity for us to show off the Power of Food.  

Q. Many children are facing life-threating situations. How are you prepared to deal with these requests?

 A. It helps to have experience. I’ve been with Morrison for nearly 21 years, including 17 years at the hospital in Memphis. I have an education in clinical nutrition, a chef’s background and a ton of culinary experience. I also have strong relationships with people in the hospital, including many doctors.  When they have a transplant patient who is not eating, they often reach out to me.

Q. When Peggy approached you a few weeks ago, how were you affected by her comments after all of these years?

 A. I clearly was not expecting it and I’ll never forget it. After that conversation, I took some time to reflect and consider that what we are doing here matters so much. So many children are facing life-threatening situations – they are waiting for a donor to save their child’s life. The gravity of it can get to you. 

I have children, too, so knowing that her daughter is doing so well is very gratifying. Even though we work with these children every day, it reminded me that we have a unique purpose. We can help those most in need when they need it most. Dallas will live a full life and it gives me joy to know we played a small role in making that happen. 

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