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Five Must-Haves on Your Resume

Hands holding resume at laptop keyboard during job application process

Five Must-Haves on Your Resume

Our recruiting team gets a lot of questions about how to write great resumes for today’s recruiting game. I hope these five must-haves for your resume help you write the most effective resume to get through the candidate clutter to get that important interview you want.

The Wall Street Journal reports that resume screening software use is widespread among larger companies to the tune of the “high 90 percent range.” It indicates that finding a Fortune 500 company that doesn’t employ Application Tracking Systems (ATS) would be exceptionally rare today. About 75% of all applicants are rejected by ATS systems. Many highly qualified candidates are rejected just because of filtering and companies are not willing to go back to the days before resume filtering because of the time      and financial efficiency they deliver to corporate HR Departments.

These five resume must-haves will get you noticed!
These five resume must-haves will get you noticed!
  1. Metrics, Metrics, Metrics – A majority of resumes I review do not include enough metric measurement of success for specific roles. Including metrics throughout your resume anchors your resume and shows your commitment to providing great results   https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/use-numbers-to-make-your-resume-seem-more-impressive-0916
  2. Correct Keywords – Due to the sheer volume to resumes submitted to companies these days, almost all corporate recruiters use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and seriously filter resumes BEFORE they begin to review candidates. In fact, according to one study, corporate recruiters spend less than SIX SECONDS reviewing a candidate’s resume. Placing the right words that relate exactly to your industry and role make a BIG DIFFERENCE. One hint; use some keywords used in job postings you are applying to. It’s always a great idea to “speak the language” of the recruiter you want to meet. https://www.themuse.com/advice/beat-the-robots-how-to-get-your-resume-past-the-system-into-human-hands
  3. Lose the Objective Section – The tired, old redundant objective section needs to go. Don’t give up important real estate on your resume you can use to grab the attention of ATS systems and recruiters. Bottom Line: Your objective doesn’t tell the recruiter what you can do for the company. http://www.elephantsatwork.com/lose-career-objective-statement-resume/
  4. Ditch Headers and Footers – According to Time, headers and footers jam up the algorithms. Our recommendation is focused to help you successfully navigate ATS systems. A lot of headers and footers are placed on resumes to help organize it for the candidate or the resume writer. You don’t need them, you need more keywords. https://resources.biginterview.com/resumes/applicant-tracking-system/
  5. Bullet Points and no prose paragraphs. IF a recruiter reads your resume, they will likely read your bullets. Your message, talent, and experience will get lost in prose. The times have changed. Be sure to change too. Go with bullet points and try to avoid paragraphs altogether. http://www.everydayinterviewtips.com/writing-your-resume-bullet-points-vs-paragraphs/

We wish you success in your resume writing and job search. We have a lot of position opening and we’re looking for hard working customer-focused professionals. To apply with Morrison Healthcare and Compass Group USA:

  1. Click Here
  2. Enter Search criteria and be sure to use Morrison Healthcare as the Sector of Choice.

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